Architecture is a shaped expression of basic human needs. It entails the pure functionality of a house. Yet it is more. Architecture determines the pace of life, rhythmically expressing our existence in all its sensuous richness. It defines and confines space. Tectonics raises architecture to an art form, bearing its intrinsic properties and embodying a balanced interplay between each integral part. The tectonic approach, therefore, is a synthesis between form and function, between entity and identity.

The urban fabric is what defines a town. Its fundamental expression emerges as a result of the multiplicity of its lifeworlds. The meta-structure, as a superordinate pattern, and the intricate interaction between constituent buildings form a greater whole, thus creating the identity of a place.

Architecture as a higher craft has the duty to create new impressions of archetypal requirements. Therefore, the quality of architecture is not measured against abstract innovation, but rather against the satisfaction of intrinsic human needs for shelter and safety as well as the recurrence of one’s natural environment.

Alexander Horbach


Dipl.-Ing. Jan Schombara


Rainer Morawietz


project partner

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Markus Löffler


Alexander Horbach
1991 born in Münster, North Rhine-Westfalia
2011 secondary school graduation
2012 - 2014 freelance employment
Nöfer Architekten, Berlin
Albers Gesellschaft von Architekten mbH, Berlin
2014 - 2015 studies abroad
Politecnico di Milano, Milan
2015 Deutschlandstipendium
brh Architekten, Berlin
2012 - 2016 architectural degree University of Applied Sciences Potsdam BA in Architecture and Urban Design
Dipl.-Ing. Jan Schombara
1970 born in Berlin, Germany
1992 – 1997 architectural degree
university of Applied Sciences Berlin
1997 – 1998 Erasmus fellowship
university of Applied Sciences Delft, NL
1998 – 1999 Huber Staudt Architekten, Berlin

St. Hedwigshöhe Berlin, hospital
design and construction

Charité Berlin, hospital
design competition, 2nd prize
2000 diploma
university of Applied Sciences, Berlin
2001 - 2003 de architectengroep, Amsterdam

living quarters Ypenburg, 650 dwellings, Rijswijk
design and construction

Ministry for agriculture and fisheries, Den Haag
realization competition, 2nd prize

European Central Bank, Frankfurt a.M.
realization competition
2003 – 2006 CBB_Architekten und Stadtplaner, Berlin

Neue Mitte Potsdam
Urban Design competition
2006 – 2007 Leibniz University, Hannover
institute of Urban Design
research associate
2007 – 2008 Wiewiorra Hopp Architekten, Berlin
since 2010 Pfeiffer Architekten, Berlin
2016 partner at mohobaukunst
Rainer Morawietz
1964 born in Freiburg im Breisgau
1984 - 1989 studies at the State Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe and the College of Arts Berlin
1989 - 1993 legal studies University of Freiburg im Breisgau
state examination
since 1994 independent artist
1997 acquisition of the "Vonsinnen" cycle of etchings by the State Gallery Stuttgart
artistic direction of the project "Bodenbilder" (with A. Malik)
Freiburg Rieselfeld
2001 acquisition of the "Lebensformen" cycle by the Museum of Prints and Drawings
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz
2002 - 2005 development of sculptural works of art
2005 competition Topography of Terror
collaboration with Tobias Nöfer
acquisition of works from the "der Schmerz gebiert das Neue" cycle by the State Gallery Stuttgart
2006 - 2007 pictorial cycle "Licht und Schatten"
2006 artistic design of a conference hall for PriceWaterhouseCoopers AG Deutschland in collaboration with KunstBüroBerlin
2007 interior design for Audit Eidos Wirtschafts- und Steuerprüfungsgesellschaft in collaboration with KunstBüroBerlin
2008 participation in the second competition round for the city palace in collaboration with Tobias Nöfer
2010 art competition new ministerial building, Stuttgart
second round
2011 Architektur und Eros, KunstBüroBerlin
cellar art space Berlin
2012 - 2016 architectural degree University of Applied Sciences Potsdam BA in Architecture and Urban Design
2013 2 stucco friezes for Wallstrasse 25/26
2015 university teaching position at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
2016 partnership at moho baukunst
exhibitions in Germany and abroad
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Markus Löffler
1953 born in Lörrach, Baden-Württemberg
carpentry apprenticeship
1974 - 1984 architectural degree
University of Applied Sciences Constance / University of Stuttgart
architectural employee
Atelier 5, CH- Bern
W. + K. Steib, CH- Basel
since 1984 freelance architect
1988 - 1995 lecturer of design theory
University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart
since 1995 professor of architectural design
Architecture and Urban Design
University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
since 2016 project partnership at moho baukunst

Jaro Boer      Lennard Dose      Simon Steffen      Victor Braun      Olivia Lees


Jaro Boer
Lennard Dose
Simon Steffen
Victor Braun
Olivia Lees